The Three Bily Goats Gruff - Illustrated by rani March 2010

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

this is who i really am!!! i think.. haha

well guess what, i already resign myself from Manga teaching, and i am now a designer.. Clothing Designer..


Yay!!!! *&^(%*%$$#!!! (hard to tell wht im feeling)

one side i LoOOoove the new job i have now, but the other side, i'm missing those great kids and great friends.. also the windy weather, comfortable Ekonomi AC, and deers on the green grass.. :)

but life must goon and i still have plenty of new things to face. kantor baru gw di Magic Happens, kind of clothing label. di mampang prapatan - Jakarta aja gituuuuuu haha. jd setelah gw resign akhir januari, Magic Happens dah 'open house' buat gw msk awal februari.. mantaapp..

ok back to reality. back to real conditions of life. everyday TRAFFICS.. yaz dear.. absolutely.

the other surprising thing is.. gw satu kantor sm bestfriend gw, revi! great great great,,, haha. i also got the job bcoz of his help, thx brotha!!

disini alhamdulillah setiap coretan kita dihargai, i learn thousands new things.. including blajar make Mac.

i have ever tried it before, tp krna dulu blajarnya pke komputer org, gw jd males blajarnya lagi. nah skarang ini gw yg megang!! beda cerita! HUaHAHHAHHAHHHHHahahahhhHHhh *tolak pinggang


ya gitu deh, i think i love my new job, biarpun ga bs menghindar dr macetnya jakarta. terima aja dahh, ga da kerjaan yg 100% enak kan..?? dsini jam kerjanya sangat amat fleksibel sekali banget!!! yah tau diri aja sih, seenggaknya gw disini ga cuma numpang ngemil sama mp** doang tiap harinya..haha klo gw dtg pagi, gw berhak untuk plg sore, ya bgitu jg sbaliknya.. klo gw dtg siang, ya gw plg jm 7an.. maksudnya sih skalian menghindari -sedikit- kmacetan, tp kyknya kemacetan jakarta itu 24 jam deh T_T jadi apalah daya.....

tp sabtu gw libur. SABTU LEEBoOR!!!! *terharu* gw bs di-apelin dahh. hwehehee

in case gw nge-note nya nyuri waktu, jd that's all for now! until my another freakin' journey guys! :D